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Supported by Film Hub Scotland, part of the BFI's Film Audience Network, and funded by Screen Scotland and National Lottery Funding from the BFI

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We love your feedback and we want you to help us to spread the good word...

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We're on all of these social media - if you are too we'd love you to follow our feeds, comment on our posts and share them with your friends.

You'll see trailers of our upcoming screenings, news about AFS, our recommendations of good films that are on Art House streaming services and news of other community cinemas around Ayrshire.

Don't like social media? No problem, you can subscribe to our eBulletins and get all our news in your inbox.


You will be added to our Mailchimp list - and you can unsubscribe any time if you don't like it - there's a one-click unsubscribe at the bottom of every email...

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You can always contact anytime on any AFS matters on our mailbox:

..and there's always good old fashioned post..although why are you here then?

We don't send out much routine stuff by post but we are happy to hear from you just the same...

Ron Currie, Treasurer and Secretary. Tel: 01292 283435

3G South Lodge Court, 29 Racecourse Road, Ayr, KA7 2TA

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