email button - no additional options
email button - single value list
email button - single value list - with refer back to page - can't be done with email = use <form> action
form button - drop down - refer back
form button - drop down - refer back - no address
Dropdown smart button with <DIV>
Our Details
3G South Lodge Court,
29 Racecourse Road, Ayr, KA7 2TA Charity Number: SC 006980
Our Screenings are at the Ayr Town Hall on Thursday nights: doors open 6.45 pm for screening at 7.15
Ron Currie, Treasurer and Secretary. Tel: 01292 283435 Mobile: 07866 878349
Our Screenings are at the Ayr Town Hall on Thursday nights: doors open 7.00 pm for screening at 7.15
Tony Scott, Chair. Tel: 01292 281085